Department Overview

Head of Department: Mr B Ziso

The Department of Humanities is one of the largest departments at college. The department comprises a range of subjects taught by competent lecturers through the blended approach where the face to face approach to teaching and is combined with virtual learning. Among other teaching and learning approaches, team teaching, collaborative learning, tutorials, lectures and heritage tours are used by the sections in this department.  Each subject area is known as a section and is headed by a Lecturer-in-Charge.  The sections can be grouped into the following three categories: (i) languages (ChiShona, IsiNdebele and English (ii) social sciences (Family, Religion and Moral Education) and (iii) contemporaries (Health and Life Skills and National and Strategic Studies).

First and foremost, the department prepares pre-service teachers for critical citizenship, understanding of cultures and the indigenous knowledge systems of the people of Zimbabwe and offers character education as well. Furthermore, it is the Department of Humanities with the greatest responsibility in developing in students’ soft skills such communication abilities, language skills, emotional habits and empathy, time management, collaborations, teamwork and leadership traits. Over and above personal enrichment, the student teachers are also empowered with requisite 21st century competencies for effective facilitation of learning at primary school level.  Last but not least, student teachers have opportunities to explore further what they learn in formal spaces into independent areas of interest in form of clubs. The department has given birth to a number of clubs such as Chinese, debate and public speaking, peer education, scripture union, first aid and the environmental education club.


Bazi ReChiShona 

Lecturer-in-Charge: Mrs Sibanda

Bazi iri rinodzidzisa ChiShona unova mutauro waamai. Naizvozvo vadzidzi vanodzidza tsika namagariro. Bazi ReChishona rinodzidzisa zvidzidzwa zviviri zvinoti ChiShona Chamadzidzisiro neChiShona Choudzamu.

ChiShona Chamadzidzisiro

Chidzidzwa ichi chinodzidzisa mudzidzi kuti ave neruzivo rwekudzidzisa ChiShona muzvikoro

ChiShona Choudzamu

ChiShona Choudzamu chinobata zvidzidzwa zvetsika nemagariro, mutauro, nhetembo, nganonyorwa nemitambo. Chinobatsira kuumba mudzidzisi ane hunhu hunoyemurika munharaunda maanogara ari mudzidzisi wemhando yepamusoro. Vadzidzi vanogona kuwana mabasa akaita sekuverenga nhau, kuturikira mutauro weChiShona, kunyora mabhuku nekuita mitambo inopa raramo.

(b). Ugatsha LweSiNdebele

Coordinator: Dr T Ndlovu

Ngemuva kokunanzelela ukuthi bakhona abafundi abavela kwelema Ndebeleni abangenelisi ukukhuluma ulimi lweSiShona ikolitshi yabona kukuhle ukuthi kube logatsha IweSiNdebele. Kulolugatsha bekufundwa isiNdebele sokufundisa kubafundi laba ngesikhathi abanye befunda ulimi IweSiShona kodwa-ke kusukela ngomnyaka lo sesifundisa abafundi bonke ukuze benelise ukukhulima indimi ezithize. Kubafundi bonke inhloso yikuthi benelise ukukhuluma isiNdebele Kulabo abenza isiNdebele sokufufundisa bakhangelelwe ukuthi benelise ukufundisa kubanga langaphansi.

The Lecturer-in-Charge: Mrs J Hungwe

This section comprises of three areas; English Professional Studies Syllabus B (English PSB), English Main Subject and Communication Skills. The English PSB and Communication Skills compulsory to all students enrolled, whilst English Main Subject is done only by those who choose to be enriched.

In the PSB area, student teachers are exposed to different methods of teaching language skills which are; listening, speaking, reading and writing.

 The main subject is meant to enrich the student teachers in the language as they study Literature in English, Language and Linguistics.

The thrust in Communication Skills is to help all the students to develop and embrace effective communication habits necessary for the global village. Last but not least, English is the medium of instruction in the school curriculum hence all student teachers should strive to improve their proficiency.

The Lecturer-in-Charge: Dr Tatira

This is a Social Science section which is comprised of two areas, PSB and the Main Subject.

The PSB thrives to develop student teachers who are able to effectively teach to teach family dynamics, religion and moral issues to primary school learners. Furthermore, it helps them to develop an appreciation of beliefs other than their own which will make contribute significantly in establishing and maintaining multi-faith communities.

The Main Subject offers selected student teachers an opportunity to explore World Religions, beliefs, practices and religious contemporary issues.

The Lecturer-in-Charge: Mr T Dzumbunu

This another Social Science section which is comprised of two areas, PSB and the Main Subject.

Heritage-Social Studies PSB area is offered to all student teachers in preparation for them to be able to teach effectively Heritage-Social Studies at primary school. The thrust of this area to is to mould the human character through promoting identity, norms and values, patriotism and engagement with heritage resources at learner appropriate levels. It is this where student teachers are empowered to create an effective learning space where learners engage with cross-cutting, topical and potentially controversial issues like children’s rights, climate change, local cultures and so forth in simple and interactive ways.

The Main Subject is offered to a selected group of student teachers. The area is vast and wide and also issue oriented. To provides a platform for students to explore civil, social, economic, political and developmental concerns both at local and international levels.

 The Lecturer-in-Charge: Pastor Maviko

Health and Life Skills is a compulsory subject which focuses on the development of knowledge, attitudes, values and skills which-jointly –are expected to positively influence students’ ability to adopt safer behaviours. This is achieved through use of a variety of rich learning experiences, with an emphasis on participatory methods such as:

Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)


Role plays, Song and dance, drama, devil’s advocate and so forth


The following activities are done at college enrich students’ learning experiences are:

  • Life skills workshop for new intakes
  • Life skills workshop for new peer educators
  • Life skills workshop in preparation for teaching practice deployment
  • Outreach programmes and
  • Guidance and counselling services

The Lecturer-in-Charge: Mr Masungo

This is a compulsory subject for all students at college. Its main thrust to develop an awareness and appreciation of the historical context that informs the national and international discourse on Zimbabwe. Furthermore, NASS instills a sense of loyalty and patriotism and inculcates national values and positive attitudes in students. Topics covered include:

  • The history of Zimbabwe
  • National and international relations
  • Civic education
  • Contemporary issues